Pollen Allergy: Causes And Natural Remedies

If we are following medical treatment for pollen allergy, we should consult our specialist to avoid any adverse effects with these natural remedies.
Pollen Allergy: Causes and Natural Remedies

Pollen allergy is usually not serious, but it is very uncomfortable for those who suffer from it recurrently.

Find out in this article what its causes are and check out some simple and effective natural remedies to get rid of this problem.

pollen allergy

Pollen allergy is also called allergic rhinitis, or hay fever. Those who suffer from this disorder have an exaggerated  immune system response  to flower pollen when it comes into contact with their body.

This reaction affects the skin, mucous membranes, and the respiratory system. The body releases histamine and other chemicals into the blood, which results in the most frequent symptoms.

What is your cause?

The official cause of this allergy is pollen. The most frequent is the grass family, although it also occurs with the olive tree, birch, palm, banana or parietaria.

However, if the only cause were the same pollen, everyone exposed to it would suffer from the same allergy, and that is not the case. Natural medicine points to the toxins that accumulate in the body as a hidden cause of this common disorder. In this sense, the solution would undergo a purification of these substances.

Girl sneezing from pollen allergy

natural remedies

1. Clay purification

As we’ve said, the body of someone suffering from a pollen allergy is overloaded with toxins. Therefore, your liver is saturated and cannot function well. In that sense, clay can be very useful for us.

  • Every morning, take one teaspoon of white clay for oral use (5 g) mixed with water. We must not use any utensils or containers made of metal or plastic, as clay would lose its properties.

2. Medical infusion

Medicinal plants can help us alleviate allergy symptoms and, in passing, cleanse the body. We can alternate or combine the following remedies in infusion or tincture:

  • Sage
  • Nettle
  • Rosemary

We mainly emphasize licorice root as a natural remedy to treat allergies, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Its action is similar to that of glucocorticoids, but without its health side effects. We can take it in infusion, pills, candy, or chew the stem, in natural form.

Medicinal infusion to treat pollen allergy

3. Probiotics

Pollen allergy has as its cause and consequence damage to the intestinal mucosa, which is closely related to the immune system. If our bowels are bad, our defenses are bad too. For this reason, we must help to improve bacterial flora with the support of probiotics.

Daily consumption of fermented foods such as plain yogurt, kefir, raw vinegar, or sauerkraut is a good option for taking care of intestinal bacteria. We can also take a probiotic supplement, but always on an empty stomach (at least an hour before breakfast).

4. Reduce histamine

Another way to fight allergy is to reduce histamine. While many of these foods are healthy, they can also increase allergy symptoms. That’s why we should limit or avoid them in our diet, especially when we have crises:

  • milk and derivatives
  • Orange juice
  • Fruits such as strawberries, bananas, grapes, or figs
  • beans and peas
  • Soy
  • Bell pepper
  • Pork
  • chicken liver
  • Seafood
  • Margarine
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Chocolate
  • sugar and sweets
  • Fried food

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