Prepare The Skin For Makeup With A Natural Effect

To achieve makeup with a natural effect, it is important to use some products and accessories that protect the skin beforehand. We tell you in detail what they are.
Prepare the skin for makeup with a natural effect

helps to make the skin softer and more protected before applying cosmetic products.

Makeup with a natural effect: how should you prepare your skin?

It is possible to use basic elements of the beauty routine

if you have excess fat production, scaly areas, blackheads or enlarged pores, among other imperfections


Wash your face thoroughly before applying makeup

What you should do?

  • skin type
  • Afterwards, massage the product all over the face, concentrating on the problem areas (with blackheads or too much fat).
  • Remove product residue with a damp cloth or warm water.
  • Finally, dry without rubbing the towel, with gentle touches.


it is convenient to use them once or twice a week, as they help to minimize the presence of imperfections.

What you should do?

  • Rub an exfoliating product all over your face with gentle circular massages.
  • Leave to act for 5 minutes, rinse and dry.
  • natural exfoliation

Facial tonic

Facial toner helps to close pores and minimize imperfections.

facial tonic this product minimizes the shiny appearance due to excess fat and enlarged pores.

What you should do?

  • First, moisten a pad of cotton or soft tissue with a facial tonic. You can replace this product with cucumber or rose water.
  • Then rub it with gentle massages all over your face.
  • Allow to absorb well without rinsing.

Serum for makeup with a natural effect

contains nutrients that adapt to the needs of each skin: expression lines , acne or blemishes, among others.

What you should do?

  • Take a few drops of serum and rub it into the problem areas of your face.
  • Massage for a few seconds, until it is well absorbed.


Essential moisturizing product know how to identify the type of skin you have.

What you should do?

  • First, take a small amount of moisturizer with your fingertips.
  • Then rub it all over your face with a light massage.
  • Avoid applying it to the area around the eyes as this type of skin is thinner and requires other products.
  • Finally, wait about five minutes before continuing with makeup.

Complements for makeup with a natural effect

You must apply and spread the foundation correctly to obtain a makeup with a natural effect.

We talk about products such as primer, base and correctors,

To facilitate this it is convenient to use sponges or makeup brushes .

  • Compact and translucent powders
  • Eye shadows (natural tones)
  • Blush 
  • Illuminators
  • Eye shadows, mascara and eyeliner 

allows skin care and reflects a more natural style to the look .


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