Remove Tomato Sauce Stains From Clothing

Not the end of the world! No doubt you can retrieve the stained garment. Simply follow the advice we’re going to offer and you’ll see how the tomato sauce stain disappears without a trace.
Eliminate tomato sauce stains from clothing

It doesn’t matter what kind of tomato sauce it is: pickled tomato, gravy, fresh tomato, ketchup… Tomato sauce stains seem invincible, and resignation the only option.

However, there are tricks that can effectively remove these tomato sauce stains from clothing. Take note of the tips that we are going to propose to get your pieces back.

How to remove tomato sauce stains from clothing

There are stains that come off easily and there are stains that, no matter how hard we try, remain there, spoiling our pieces. Without a doubt, one of them is the tomato sauce stains. If you are always tired when a drop of tomato sauce falls on your clothes it means that the garment is no longer used, take note of the following advice:

act as soon as possible

Tomato sauce stains on clothes

First, if a drop of tomato sauce has just fallen onto your clothes, act immediately. In fact, the stain will be much harder to get rid of when it’s dry.

  • Simply wipe off any remaining sauce from the piece immediately.
  • Then turn the garment inside out and rinse with cold running water.
  • Finally, wash by hand or in the washing machine.

However, it is not always possible to do this, of course. Imagine that you are in a restaurant and cannot wash your clothes right away. So, if you can’t apply this method or if it doesn’t give positive results, try the next ones we’ll introduce.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for tomato sauce stains

Tomato sauce stains can be removed by mixing these two ingredients. For that:

  • First, mix the baking soda with hydrogen peroxide until you get something like a paste.
  • Then, simply pass it over the stain and let it act for about 10 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse and place the laundry in the machine, washing normally according to the instructions on the garment’s label.

Hydrogen peroxide in cotton pieces

Hydrogen peroxide is a surefire remedy for cotton fabrics.

Sometimes we have the feeling that the tomato is able to penetrate the cotton more easily, spoiling the whole piece. To “save it”, take note of the following advice:

  • After having removed the stain with cold water, we can pour salt on it and rub it gently and gently.
  • Afterwards, we pass a cotton soaked with hydrogen peroxide.
  • For a better result, after ironing the cotton, we can apply saline solution over the stain and allow it to dry.
  • Finally, put the piece to be washed in the machine.

Lemon for woolen items

Is a tomato sauce stain threatening to spoil your favorite jacket? If your clothing is woolen, you can use lemon juice to remove tomato sauce stains . For that:

  • First, apply salt and rub gently over the stain.
  • Then dip a cotton ball in the lemon juice and continue rubbing very gently.
  • Finally, you can clean the piece by washing it in cold water.

 White vinegar for synthetic fabrics

One of the classics in house cleaning is the use of white vinegar, effective to remove stains from synthetic fabrics.

You can also save your synthetic fabric pieces from tomato sauce stains with a simple procedure:

  • First, dilute a few drops of white vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Then simply apply and gently rub the mixture over the stain.
  • Finally, clean with cold water and then put the laundry in the washing machine following the instructions on the label.

What not to do if you spill tomato sauce on a garment

As well as advice on what to do, there are also recommendations on what not to do if a stain is threatening to destroy our clothes. In specific:

  • Once the sauce gets on your clothes, never rub off the excess. It is best to limit the extent of the stain by removing the excess with a spoon. Any other solution can cause the sauce to penetrate further into the fabric, making it more difficult to remove the stain later.
  • Do not use the tumble dryer if the stain has not completely disappeared. In fact, if it’s still there, drying it in the dryer will only make it stick further to the fabric. Afterwards it will be much more difficult to eliminate it.

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