Resveratrol: An Excellent Shield For Your Brain

Resveratrol is sold as a food supplement, prepared from the natural drying of the skin and seeds of purple grapes and roots of other plants.
Resveratrol: an excellent shield for your brain

The first time you heard about resveratrol, you might have thought it was a joke. A drug that works for everything? Uhmmm, unlikely!

However, according to research, resveratrol is the wonder we were all waiting for: it helps to solve cardiovascular and pulmonary problems, it is a good complement against cancer, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and even increases mental health.

No doubt we would all be suspicious of such claims. But, researching a little more, it is possible to discover that throughout our life we ​​consume this substance.

Read this article and find out how resveratrol is an excellent shield for your brain and body.

What is it and how does it work?

Resveratrol is a phytoalexin, that is, an enzyme produced by plants to work in defense against the attack of bacteria and fungi.

It has a complex chemical structure, but the most interesting thing is that it is also present in oysters, peanuts, blackberries, walnuts, blueberries, grapes and their derivatives, such as wine.

Therefore, we have always consumed this substance without knowing its wonderful properties!


The molecule was discovered in 1940 and was initially only used in cancer therapies. It has been shown to be satisfactorily effective in modulating redox signals and interacting with cells from different tissues.

Currently, resveratrol is the target of many studies, since at the experimental level it has shown the most varied beneficial effects: anti-cancer, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, among many others.

Its antioxidant properties, mainly, made many think that this substance would be the cure against cell aging and general wear and tear on the body. Thus, resveratrol-based capsules and creams are sold all over the world.

What is found of this product in pharmacies is not considered medicine. But, yes, a food supplement prepared by drying the skin and seeds of purple grapes and roots of other plants.

Resveratrol is believed to be the strongest antioxidant, capable of defending us from free radicals, which explains its remarkable anti-aging effect. But… what is the hidden truth among so many claims about this compound?


The truths in all claims about resveratrol are obviously associated with experimental evidence, far from supporting dubious interpretations and sources.


So, about such a compound, what science has proven so far is :

1. It is an antioxidant;

2. Activates certain regulatory genes, present in different parts of the organism and which protect it from various diseases;

3. It can act as an antiestrogen, that is, deactivate genes regulated by estrogens, helping to eliminate certain types of cancer;

4. May have anti-inflammatory effects;

5. In experiments with rats, beneficial anticancer, antiaging, anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, hypocholesterolemic and other effects related to cardiovascular health were discovered;

6. In vitro, it acts on multiple molecular targets and has positive effects on breast, skin, digestive system and prostate cells;

7. In high doses, it significantly lowers the blood sugar level;

8. In experimental animals, improves physical capacity;

9. Causes an increase in fatty acid oxidation, mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration, gluconeogenesis, ie it has neuroprotective properties.


Some research results on this miraculous substance have not yet been tested or observed in humans.

Experiments are carried out on a daily basis that, all of a sudden, can give the answers we all expect. Until that happens, we can only wait with our eyes wide open.

Research is still looking to prove whether resveratrol:

1. Protects the body against cardiovascular diseases, although wine, especially red wine, seems to have beneficial effects for the heart;

2. It has protective effects against oxidative damage in brain structures and metabolic disorders such as diabetes;

3. It is useful for improving balance and mobility in older people. The results are not yet conclusive, but it is believed that the substance is able to mitigate the damage produced by free radicals, which are a product of dopamine degeneration. By mitigating such damage, it is possible to increase the life of our body’s cells.

4. It positively influences the physical capacity of human beings. It has antiaging, antifibrotic and hypocholesterolemic effects in humans.

Resveratrol, an excellent shield for the brain

You’re sure to be wondering what exactly caught our attention as we wrote this article. The answer is resveratrol’s ability to strengthen and protect one of our body’s most important organs: the brain.


Brain cells require constant oxygen to stay healthy and function properly. But oxygen absorption is not always what we need to think, learn and even have a good memory.

Thus, resveratrol in certain doses causes an increase in cerebral blood flow and greater use of oxygen in this region.

Another good news is that, according to several studies, this phytoalexin can help fight accelerated cell degeneration.

Experts indicate that resveratrol acts as a shield that protects brain cells, preventing them from dying due to lack of oxygen during problems such as stroke.

In this way, it prevents damage to your DNA and alleviates the degenerative process that occurs in the brain when it suffers from dementing diseases such as Alzheimer’s, thus reducing the possibility that we will suffer from these diseases.

However, it is important to clarify that these results were obtained only in the laboratory, under controlled conditions and at much higher doses than those presented in the foods we consume.

One final tip

Now you know right and wrong about resveratrol, a substance that has wonderful properties but is often sold under numerous advertisements for other properties that have not yet been proven.

So, before deciding to consume supplements of this substance, remember that some research regarding its effects has not yet been completed.

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