Rose Tea Recipe And Its Wonderful Benefits

To absorb iron and promote skin and bone health, we will use the freshest petals, as in the drying process they lose more than 40% of vitamin C.
Rose tea recipe and its wonderful benefits

A delicious sweetness smoky by the satiny freshness of the roses. In this article, we’ll talk about a rose tea recipe and its wonderful benefits.

It is a hot drink that will not only delight tea lovers, but that will also benefit us from the numerous properties of this simple recipe, so ingrained in oriental culture, and which, without a doubt, it would be advisable to adopt as usual in our diet.

Taste and health will thank us .

Wonderful properties of rose tea

Consuming rose tea regularly will allow us, first, to purify our organism.

It acts on the  liver and gallbladder, cleaning them and activating other diuretic mechanisms, with which we can perfectly regulate our fluid retention.

However, we have to make it clear that we won’t get such a result with just the first cup of tea. Regular consumption is needed to begin to notice the benefits.

How about if we spend the afternoon with a hot cup together with good company and good conversation?”

Rose petals themselves have important health benefits. Among them, it is worth highlighting the important presence of vitamin C.

According to the Food and Drug Administration,  rose buds, stems and petals have been shown to have high levels of vitamin C, especially in their raw form. However, they can lose between 45 and 60% of their vitamin content in the drying process.

Therefore, we recommend making our simple recipe with the freshest petals, to make the most of vitamin C, which is so important for our immune system.

It promotes healthy skin and bones and also helps the body absorb iron.

Other benefits of rose tea

Rose tea contains another interesting property that we should take into account: its levels of antioxidants, especially catechin polyphenols.

Let’s remember that antioxidants are substances that protect our bodies from free radical damage, which can cause cancer.

Such components can, in addition to preventing free radical damage, also kill cancer cells without harming surrounding healthy cells.

Something really interesting to keep us healthy not only inside but also on the outside, as rose tea will help keep us looking fresh and youthful. Hence the expression: “Fresh as a rose”.

Among its benefits, its ability to alleviate the pain produced by menstruation is also noteworthy.

Rose tea is effective for all respiratory problems caused by flu and cold.

Finally, it is also worth mentioning its benefits on the nervous system. Its regular use can allow us to alleviate insomnia and fatigue, helping us, for example, to find rest and relief after a long day at work.

rose tea

Rose tea preparation


  • 5 or 6 clean rose petals for a single cup. It is important to ensure that they have not received any toxic or pesticides. It is also recommended that they be fresh (let us remember that this is how we maintain their properties better).
  • Water
  • Honey or sugar if we want to sweeten the tea.


Rose tea is very easy to prepare.

  • First, put the petals in a kettle when the water is boiling.
  • Then let the mixture sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Strain and then serve with honey or sugar, as desired.

Therefore, we no longer have any excuse for not including rose tea among our healthy customs.

A simple pleasure contained in a simple millenary recipe, which will certainly contribute with a touch of care to our health in the early hours of the afternoon, when tiredness and fatigue will thank us with doses of the magical fragrant lukewarmness.

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