Salads To Lose Weight And Feel Full

For salads to help you lose weight and not get sick of them, it is essential to vary the ingredients and, above all, assemble them in a way that they are visually appealing.

We often think that salads are perfect for losing weight, don’t we? However, this idea is not necessarily true.

Overall, we add a lot of fat and calorie-filled ingredients to salads, and we don’t even notice.

The problem with salads is that they tend to have a cyclical effect that makes it harder to have portion control. As much as we think it’s healthy, to lose weight it’s not ideal to eat huge portions of salad.

Dos and don’ts when preparing a salad?

It is very important to  add dark green leafy vegetables such as arugula and spinach. They are full of nutrients and taste delicious.

That way, you’ll add an extra dose of protein and fiber that will help you lose weight. Another healthy option is iceberg lettuce. Due to its high water content, it adds volume to the salad without the need to add extra calories.

There are very common foods in salads that can be very tasteless and will make you tempted to add some spice or sauce to improve the flavor of the dish.

It’s important to be creative. There are a wide variety of ingredients that can add color and delicious flavor to salads. The secret is to experiment.

Remember that food enters the eyes and the taste varies from person to person. One can add a wide variety of peppers, pumpkin, carrots. For an extra touch of flavor, add some fruit like kiwi or mango.

And the meats?

Do not add fat-rich meats. You can choose chicken or beef in the salad, but it all depends on the cut of meat chosen and how it will be prepared.

Furthermore, it is very important to avoid fried, breaded or “crunchy” products. All will take you away from your goal, which is to lose weight.

On the other hand, you can add lean proteins like hard-boiled eggs,  lean cuts like sliced ​​loin or chicken breast.

Fish is a great choice, especially fresh salmon and tuna, as they provide a high amount of healthy fat.

Pay attention to seasonings!

Sometimes we go crazy with the spices and extras that can be added. This can make the diet a total disaster.

Adding bread, bacon bits, cheese or high-fat spices is an option we should leave out.

If you happen to want to get away from the diet and add some crunchy ingredient to the salad, you should be conscious and measure it beforehand, to make sure you don’t add more than indicated (one serving).

One ingredient that can add a creamy touch to your salad and also add healthy fat is avocado. Of course, and like everything else, always used sparingly.

Eating a salad with plenty of dark green vegetables before a main course is a good option to help your stomach fill up a little and prevent overeating.

On the other hand, it is recommended that when eating salads you try to prepare them yourself. That way, you’ll be involved with your food and you  ‘ll have the assurance that you’re not consuming unnecessary calories.

Fresh food is the best option

It is well known that fresh salads are enjoyed much better than cooked ones.

The reason is that vegetables lose some of their nutrients during cooking. This is not to say that a salad containing cooked vegetables will not help you lose weight, but care should be taken not to go beyond the cooking point.

Also, an overcooked vegetable can lose most of the nutrients  it offers the body, and in the end be of no help.

Follow These 3 Steps To Create Perfect Weight Loss Salads

The first thing is to choose a lean protein. Within these you can find a wide variety:

  • Chicken breast
  • Grilled salmon
  • Tuna
  • Boiled eggs
  • Turkey meat
  • Lean cuts of beef
  • tofu

Then add fiber-rich vegetables and fruits as desired. They help to add color and contrast.

As for vegetables, try spinach, mixed vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, avocados, beans and peas.


You have to be careful with the fruits. An excess can help you have a very fresh and delicious salad, but overloaded with calories.

Finally, don’t forget to add a small amount of dairy products. It could be a low-fat cheese or a yogurt-based sauce that you made yourself.

If you avoid the pieces of bread and bacon or crackling, you’ll do yourself a big favor, as these ingredients provide a lot of (unnecessary) calories that make weight loss difficult.

The secret is variety

When preparing salads that leave you satisfied, it ‘s important to vary the ingredients. This not only favors the consumption of all the nutrients that are needed, but also prevents you from quickly getting bored with the new menu and abandoning it.

Try to try new things not to bore your taste buds.

Remember that your goal, in addition to losing weight, should be to acquire healthy habits. This, combined with your exercise routines, will allow you to reach your goal of losing weight.

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