Sarsaparilla To Treat Psoriasis

Sarsaparilla infusion has anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in alleviating the discomfort caused by psoriasis.
Sarsaparilla to treat psoriasis

Sarsaparilla is a plant that has been the subject of several studies, given its medicinal potential. In fact, according to popular wisdom and alternative medicine, this plant could even be useful to complement the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis, for example.

Psoriasis is a disease whose exact cause is unknown. According to Dr. Shinjita Das, “it is possible that it appears due to an immune system problem” and because of the genetic predisposition to present it.

It is characterized by red patches (which look like a kind of rash) on the skin. Plaques cause a lot of discomfort to patients and therefore should receive proper medical treatment.

“Many of the treatments against psoriasis are complex and require different medications, which must be applied by the patient in a systemic way and repeated several times a day”, says Dr. José Antonio Lozano.

What is sarsaparilla?

Sarsaparilla tea

Sarsaparilla ( Smilax aspera ) is a shrub native to Asia, Africa and Europe. It is characterized by having thin, spiny stalks that can reach 2 meters in length. It has been used for years for various medicinal purposes, as it has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic properties.

Generally speaking, it is said that products made with sarsaparilla root (teas, natural capsules, pills) promote circulation, purify the body, help fight fluid retention, etc.

According to data published in the psoriasis sufferer’s online community, no adverse reactions or contraindications have been documented. However, in very high doses, the plant can cause problems such as gastrointestinal irritation and a temporary increase in diuresis. Therefore, it is always recommended to consume with caution and avoid excessive intake.

According to alternative medicine, sarsaparilla root can be used as an adjunct in the treatment of psoriasis.

A remedy for psoriasis?

Likewise, in the aforementioned community it is stated that “salisaparilla has been used as a natural or folk remedy for skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, itching, rash and wound treatment” with positive effects.

Herbal therapists point out that the European Commission advises against its administration, considering that there is not enough evidence to indicate the effectiveness of its therapeutic properties.

It is interesting to know that the article La zarzaparrilla and the analysis of the materia medica in the Mexican nineteenth century ( Sasaparilla and the analysis of the Mexican nineteenth century , in free translation) indicates that “in the nineteenth century sarsaparilla also entered the market of pharmaceutical specialties and patents”. This indicates that in different areas of the world the plant has been studied on many occasions for different purposes.

Nowadays it is possible that several investigations into the pharmacological applications of sarsaparilla are being carried out. This can help you learn more about the plant’s potential and the best ways to harness it.

Sarsaparilla infusion with garlic oil

Although this remedy has not been proven to be effective, there are patients with psoriasis who include it in their diet on a timely basis for relief.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of garlic oil (200 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of sarsaparilla root (10 g)

What should you do?

  • Boil water in a container. Once it reaches its boiling point, add the sarsaparilla root and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Mix the sarsaparilla infusion with the garlic oil  in a container with a lid to keep the mixture.
  • Allow the mixture to cool and, with the help of a cotton swab, gently apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin.


If you use sarsaparilla root to prepare your home remedy, you will need to be very careful: there is a plant called black walnut that looks like sarsaparilla, the big difference is that this plant is poisonous.

Remember that overuse of any plant for medicinal purposes can have repercussions or changes in organs other than the ones it is treating.

final comments

If psoriasis discomfort persists, remember to consult a dermatologist as it may be a more serious condition.

You must keep in mind that skin care is important. Therefore, we recommend the use of moisturizing creams and sunscreen. We must keep in mind that

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