Sugar-free, Whole Vegan French Toast

Vegan French Toast, egg-free and sugar-free, is healthier and equally delicious. Try it!
Sugar-free, whole vegan French toast

The French Toast is one of the typical sweets in the gastronomy of many countries. They are usually eaten at Christmas, but we have to be honest: they are so delicious they make us want to eat them all year round! Today, we’ll share a step-by-step recipe for whole, sugar-free, vegan French Toast!

Whole Vegan French Toast

Whole Vegan French Toast
Vegan French Toast is healthier and equally delicious.

This French Toast is vegan because it does not contain eggs or any food of animal origin. However, of course everyone can eat them, and we want to encourage you to try them. With no added sugar or eggs, they are a much healthier option than traditional French toast.

These French Toasts  are as delicious and light as the originals. However, their fat content is much lower and they can be perfect not only for people who follow a vegan diet, but for those who suffer from food intolerance or simply want to take care of their health.

Nutritional value

Almond Milk
Almond milk brings a special sweetness to this vegan french toast.

The main ingredient in this recipe is wholegrain bread, that is, made with whole wheat flour. This is a source of fiber and complex carbohydrates, as well as providing B vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus and iron, and has a very low fat content.

Traditional cow’s milk has been replaced in this recipe by almond milk, and sugar by stevia. Of course, if you prefer, you don’t need to sweeten the french toast (after all, the almond milk will already have a sweet taste). In the end, you can also bathe them with some honey.

Nutritionally, the almond milk provides between 25 and 50 calories per 100 grams  and is rich in monounsaturated fats ( “good” fats), and vitamins B6 and E, among others.

How to make vegan French Toast

Vegan French Toast with Cinnamon
Replace white bread with wholegrain bread and increase the nutritional value of your french toast.

Are you excited to change your traditional French toast for this vegan one? You won’t regret it: they are extremely healthy ​​and really delicious. Take a chance to prepare them and enjoy them with your whole family.


  • 300 ml of almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of flaxseed
  • 1/2 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
  • Vanilla
  • 1 pinch of turmeric
  • 100 ml of water
  • 100 ml of orange juice
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Stevia (optional, quantity required)
  • Honey (optional)

Method of preparation

  1. Cut thick slices of bread, one and a half to two centimeters thick. Reserve.
  2. In a bowl,  mix the almond milk with the cinnamon, vanilla, flaxseeds and turmeric. Beat with a whisk to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Let stand for approximately 10 minutes.
  3. Soak the bread slices in the prepared mixture for about 15 minutes. The bread should be soaked but not broken. Turn each slice every few minutes to catch liquid on both sides. If you notice that the bread has started to fall apart, remove it from the soak.
  4. While the bread is soaked in almond milk, heat the orange juice with the juice of half a lemon, lemon peel, cinnamon and vanilla in a small saucepan. If you want to sweeten your vegan french toast, now is the time. Add stevia to taste or a tablespoon of honey and mix.
  5. Cook the syrup without boiling. The idea is just to reduce.
  6. Then heat the skillet with a dash of extra virgin olive oil and place the french toast over medium heat, turning them gently.
  7. Finally, serve with a little syrup on top.

What do you think of this easy recipe for sugar-free, whole vegan french toast? They are very healthy and the whole family will love it! The best? As it is a recipe free of sugars and saturated fats, you can enjoy them more often than the traditional ones.

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