Symptoms Of A Stroke

For the rehabilitation treatment, the patient’s concerns must be taken into account, as it must be personalized and focused on the particular needs of each one.

A stroke, also known as a stroke or stroke, requires immediate attention. Therefore, the time between the appearance of the first symptoms and medical attention should not exceed 4 hours from the beginning of the condition.

Every minute counts. One minute can prevent further sequels or it can be the difference between life and death.

Stroke can happen at any age, but it is more frequent after 30 years of age. Men are more likely to have a stroke.

It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of a brain attack to help a family member or acquaintance who is experiencing this situation in time or to detect the symptoms in ourselves and call the emergency room or an ambulance.

Warning Symptoms

Pay close attention to the following symptoms, even if they disappear, call a doctor for a review.

  • Feeling weakness or numbness on one side of the face or body.
  • Sudden difficulty speaking or swallowing.
  • Severe headache suddenly and without apparent cause.
  • Loss of balance, coordination, double vision, nausea.
  • Difficulty seeing one or both eyes.
  • General confusion.

Cause of stroke

  • Ischemic brain attack : it is produced by a blockage of an artery and consequently the blood does not reach a part of the brain.
  • Hemorrhagic Brain Attack : This is produced by a ruptured artery in the brain, thus causing a hemorrhage that damages the area of ​​blood loss.


Generally, this condition is accompanied by pathologies such as arteriosclerosis or arterial hypertension .


Therefore, we must control such situations, as well as avoid bad habits.

  • Do not smoke
  • control blood pressure
  • Have a healthy diet
  • Physical activity regularly
  • control cholesterol
  • avoid overweight
  • Control diabetes

Perform routine checks to be aware of any changes in the circulatory system, especially  if the change affects the carotid arteries, which are responsible for delivering blood and, consequently, oxygen to the brain.


Recovery right after suffering a stroke depends, as mentioned above, on the immediate attention of the patient, on the lesions that were produced in the brain with possible sequelae, and on an early neurological rehabilitation process.

The body of someone who has suffered a brain attack acts as if it had lost its memory, it is necessary to go back to teaching the movements that were previously performed with all normality and ease.

Likewise, psychological containment is necessary, both for the patient and the family. The changes are big in the family of a patient with the after-effects of a brain attack. Impotence, plus depression, daily exhaustion, etc.

Unexpectedly, the affected person goes from being active, with a job and performing their activities independently, to a state of total or partial dependence on other people.

Furthermore, in recovery, nothing is certain, progress can be slow. Each person’s body responds differently to stimuli. A younger patient generally has a better prognosis with regard to rehabilitation.

Recovery in elderly people

In an older person, what is sought is to achieve the greatest possible independence to carry out activities prior to the stroke. The patient’s concerns must be listened to and rehabilitation treatment must be focused on the patient’s particular needs.

Stroke is not only one of the conditions that causes the death of thousands of people every year, it can also produce multiple disabilities in those who suffer from it.

We urge people who suffer from previous circulation problems to pay more attention to ways to prevent stroke .

Life is such a valuable treasure to neglect with excesses that affect our health sooner or later, or also for lack of care and medical attention in pre-existing diseases.

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