Ten Foods That Strengthen The Kidneys

As they are one of the most important organs in the human body, they deserve a lot of attention. A good way to take care of your kidneys is through food.
Ten foods that strengthen the kidneys

Kidneys are one of the most important organs in our body.  In this way, your job is to prevent many illnesses and maintain a good general functioning of the organism. Among its most important functions is the elimination, through urine, of toxins contained in the blood and waste. Find out about 10 foods that strengthen your kidneys in this article. Many factors can make our kidneys sick and, as a result, we start to have kidney diseases that can even be serious. Therefore, it is very important to have healthy habits to maintain good organ health and thus ensure that their functions take place without any problem.

Thus, one of the factors that most influence kidney health is nutrition. While there are foods that can affect the health of your kidneys, luckily, there are also foods that help strengthen your kidneys . Next, we’ll indicate which foods should be included in your diet if you want to strengthen your kidneys.

Foods that strengthen the kidneys


Beetroot is a food full of diuretic and detoxifying properties that are very favorable to kidney health. Since it is rich in potassium, this food is recommended to strengthen and clean not only the kidneys but also the liver and gallbladder. It is recommended to prepare a beetroot and carrot juice, as it can also be included in salads, etc.


Blueberries are foods that strengthen the kidneys.

Blueberries are kidney detoxifiers that also have a bladder cleansing effect. Its properties strengthen the functioning of the kidneys and prevent infections, as they prevent the development of bacteria. Thus, it is recommended to drink blueberry juice preferably before breakfast.

whole grains

Known to be a great source of fiber, these foods also promote the elimination of toxins and waste. Cereals help reduce fluid retention and, therefore, end up detoxifying the kidneys.


Celery is a food that strengthens the kidneys

This is a food made up of water, mineral salts and vitamins such as alpha-tocopherol or vitamin E, beta-carotene, or provitamin A, vitamin C, folates, among others.

Because it has compounds and diuretic properties, it is recommended to naturally clean the kidneys and promote waste elimination.  Therefore, it can be prepared as a juice, infusion or included in salads.


Rich in flavonoids, especially one called quercetin, onion is a powerful antioxidant that favors organs such as the kidneys and heart. With its properties, it not only regulates metabolism, but also helps to eliminate toxins that the body does not need.


Strawberries are foods that strengthen the kidneys

Strawberries are powerful antioxidants that help protect cell body structures and prevent oxidative damage. Including more strawberries in the diet promotes kidney health, prevents inflammation and helps to clear them naturally, as they promote the elimination of waste from the body.


Watermelon is one of the best foods to strengthen the kidneys and fight urinary tract diseases. This fruit, in addition to being delicious, is composed of 93% water and contains only 20 calories per 100g.

It is also a powerful antioxidant and a rich source of vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Great ally of the kidneys, watermelon is recommended to treat and prevent discomforts such as cystitis, kidney stones, urethritis and fluid retention, for example.


Pineapple is one of the foods that strengthen the kidneys.

Pineapple is one of the most powerful diuretics and, in addition, it has many properties, so it is one of the foods that strengthen the kidneys.

This exotic fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, potassium and bromelain enzymes that together help fight infections, reduce inflammation, stimulate digestion and reduce the risk of suffering from kidney stones.


Potatoes are a food full of vitamins and minerals that help prevent and treat kidney stones.

The delicacy is known to be a source of starch, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin C,  components that act powerfully to strengthen the kidneys, as well as to dissolve kidney stones and purify this important organ. To consume it, it is recommended to boil the potatoes with their skin or prepare a drink with their skin. It is also possible to eat the peel raw or roasted.


Watercress is one of the foods that strengthen the kidneys.

Watercress has diuretic properties that make it one of the kidney-strengthening foods. Therefore, it  prevents and prevents the formation of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.

In addition, it combats fluid retention and favors the elimination of toxins. To consume it, the best way is to extract the juice from the watercress and drink it without added sugar.

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