The 6 Best Foods To Lose Weight

In addition to including low-calorie foods, it is very important to break them down into more meals and smaller amounts. The ideal is to have between 5 and 6 light meals a day.
The 6 Best Foods to Lose Weight

Your time of suffering from diets and exercises where you often starve is over! The key to successfully losing weight is being happy with your choice. If your choice to lose weight is unpleasant, the harder it will be to reach that goal. See the 6 best foods to lose weight.

To be in shape, you will have to focus your mind on developing a sustainable diet that you can enjoy while stimulating the weight loss process.

You can start with choosing foods, so today we’ll introduce you to 6 of them, considered the best foods to lose weight.

Best Foods to Lose Weight: Whole Grains

Your body burns twice as many calories by eating whole foods, especially those that are high in fiber like oats and brown rice, than by eating processed foods.


You can consume these beans both for breakfast and lunch. For example, have some whole oats with skim milk for breakfast, an excellent food that contains fiber, calcium and carbohydrates needed to start the day.

Best Foods to Lose Weight: Lean Meats

Proteins have a high thermogenic effect: for their digestion, approximately 30% of the calories present in the food are burned, for example, a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to be digested.

In addition, lean meat is low in fat, making it an ideal food for a slimming diet. For lunch or dinner, lean meats can be accompanied by a salad, vegetables, rice or wholegrain noodles.

Recent studies show that eggs are also good foods to lose weight as they contain protein, calcium and other nutrients. It is recommended to consume them for breakfast.

Best Weight Loss Foods: Low Fat Dairy Products


Rich in calcium and vitamin D, low-fat dairy products help preserve and increase muscle mass, essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Best Foods to Lose Weight: Green Tea

Drinking four cups of green tea a day helped many people lose more than six pounds in 8 weeks, according to a study in the journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

To increase your consumption, good advice is to keep a pitcher of iced green tea in the fridge.

Best Foods to Lose Weight: Lentils


A cup of lentils contains 35% of our daily iron requirements, which is good news as nearly 20% of people are iron deficient.

When a nutrient is lacking, our metabolism slows down because the body isn’t getting what it needs to function efficiently, so it ‘s important to consume the necessary daily nutrients through a balanced diet.

Best Foods to Lose Weight: Chili Peppers

Capsaicin is a compound that is present in peppers known as chili peppers. This substance heats up your body and makes you burn additional calories.

It is possible to obtain this compound through the consumption of raw, cooked, dried or powdered chili peppers, you can also add pepper or hot sauce to soups, eggs or meats.

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