The 7 Foods That Act As Appetite Suppressants When You’re Anxious

In addition to satiating the appetite, these foods offer us multiple benefits, as they also take care of our cardiovascular health, control cholesterol and regulate our intestinal transit.
The 7 Foods That Act As Appetite Reducers When You Are Anxious

Food anxiety is one of the obstacles that stand in the way of those people who are trying to fight overweight. Feeling the continual need to sate your appetite leads to eating more calories than you need, so over time it prevents you from losing the desired pounds.

Even though each person manifests differently depending on their metabolism and age, anxiety often becomes an impediment to achieving a healthy weight.

More worryingly, many tend to make poor food choices because they create a need to eat fat and carbohydrates.

However, there are some healthy foods that are low in calories and act as appetite suppressants without affecting metabolism or health.

At this point we want to highlight the top 7 so that you have no doubts about incorporating them into your eating plan.

do you want to meet them? So discover them with us!

1. Avocado

Avocado to control appetite

Avocado is a delicious fruit that is characterized by its high nutritional value and medicinal properties.

It has high amounts of fiber and monounsaturated fats. When absorbed by the body, they prolong the feeling of fullness.

These compounds participate in the digestive process and, by the way, also help to control cholesterol and high blood pressure.

2. Flaxseeds

Adding these seeds to salads or shakes is a good way to control food cravings.

This is because the seeds have a dietary fiber that, when making contact with stomach fluids, triples its volume.

Its intake controls abdominal inflammation and helps eliminate toxins trapped in the colon thanks to the laxative effect it produces.

3. Apples to reduce appetite

Apples to control appetite

Apples are one of the best fruits to control the feeling of hunger and, consequently, to lose weight in a healthy way.

Rich in fiber, antioxidants and essential minerals it is a good snack to reduce anxiety that prevents weight loss.

Its natural acids help regulate the bacterial flora of the intestine, which in turn promotes the elimination of waste.

4 eggs

Eggs are on the list of appetite suppressant foods thanks to their energy value and significant amount of high quality protein.

Nutritionists recommend consuming them for breakfast, as this way the body assimilates the amino acids better. On the other hand, they improve the production and strengthening of muscle mass.

By having a little more calories compared to other foods, consuming it helps in weight loss by reducing appetite.

5. Almonds

Almonds to control appetite

Almonds are one of the best foods to inhibit the urge to eat when it’s not time to eat.

Its high amount of fiber and essential amino acids make it a natural appetite suppressant. Therefore, ideal when you want to reduce weight.

It has omega 3, vitamin E and magnesium, three key nutrients to maintain good circulatory and cardiovascular health.

Furthermore, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects it is ideal for preventing heart disease and the cognitive system.

6. Oats

Considered the “queen of cereals” it is one of the best allies to improve digestion and control anxiety.

Its significant amount of dietary fiber converts to a natural appetite suppressant. Thus, it also acts as a cholesterol and blood pressure control agent.

When we consume oats, we stimulate the production of a hormone known as ghrelin, whose function is to inform the brain that the body is full.

In addition, it has a low glycemic index and, instead of raising sugar peaks, it helps turn them into energy sources for the body.

7. Anchovy to reduce appetite

Anchovy to control appetite

Anchovy is a very complete food from a nutritional point of view because it provides:

  • large amounts of protein,
  • vitamins,
  • essential minerals.

Unlike other types of meat, it doesn’t have as many calories. On the other hand, it provides a significant amount of omega 3.

All of these nutrients help control appetite during anxiety attacks and, consequently, promote cardiovascular and brain health.

In fact, when we add it to the regular diet we improve metabolism activity and strengthen muscle mass.

Some recommended varieties are:

  • Salmon.
  • Horsetail.
  • Tuna.
  • Sardines.
  • Cod.
  • Herring.

Can’t control your anxiety? So, increase your consumption of the mentioned foods and discover their effects to prolong the feeling of satiety for longer.

It will be a great support for your diet!

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