The Benefits Of Having Plants At Home

Having enough plants at home can greatly benefit your health, not only by purifying the environment, but also psychologically.
The benefits of having plants at home

Many people have many doubts about having plants in the home, especially when it comes to having plants in the bedroom, many believe that this is extremely harmful. However, this is an incorrect belief. Having plants in the house and in the bedrooms is very beneficial. But of course, we are not implying that it is necessary to fill the house with plants. It is necessary that there is an adequate amount and that in the room where we are going to sleep there is only one plant. This is not dangerous for our health.

Why do people believe that plants are bad indoors and especially in bedrooms? Because at night, plants breathe and “expel” carbon dioxide. However, with a prudent amount of plants, the benefits they offer during the day outweigh the process that takes place at night.

Plants purify and revitalize the environment

Having plants at home helps us to purify and revitalize the environment. The reason is that, during the day, plants absorb the contaminating gases that exist in the air we breathe. Furthermore, they also help to increase the humidity in the air.

Did you know that plants can cool the environment in summer and make it warmer in winter? Because now you already know another of their characteristics that make them so special and necessary at home.

Having plants at home, purifies the environment

help us to work and study

Having plants at home can help improve the environment for working and studying. The reason lies in the fact that plants are great allies to reduce both external and internal noise. This is particularly noticeable in small, closed spaces.

Plants muffle noise, which means that if you work at home, for example, all the sounds that can come from outside and affect your concentration bother you much less. The same happens if we study indoors.

This great benefit that plants provide us will help us to feel much more peaceful and relaxed. We will be able to work more effectively and drastically reduce stress. Without a doubt, it’s a great idea to have plants at home.

Reduce dust at home

Have you ever been surprised by how quickly dust settles in your home? Depending on where you live or certain circumstances that we don’t know about now, your house may fill with dust with relative frequency. This makes you have to clean it more often.

Removing the dust today and the next day it builds up again can be frustrating and create a bad mood. Therefore, plants can help a lot in these cases. But how?

Having plants at home reduces dust

As we saw earlier, plants absorb the contaminating gases that exist in the air, purifying the environment, reducing pollution and helping to reduce dust by up to 20%. If you are allergic to dust, this is very important to you!

Improve self-esteem

Did you know that having plants at home can improve your self-esteem? This is due to the visual effect they cause. A house with plants is a much nicer house to look at, cozy and beautiful. This improves mood and our own self-esteem.

However, plants need care. We must water them, move them when necessary, treat and prevent pests… In other words, we must be responsible, constant and think about the well-being of someone besides us.

So, if we have a low self-esteem, let’s take care of the plants, see how beautiful they are, how they improve if they get sick… All of this will give us much more joy and make us feel much better. In fact, by taking care of them we will somehow be taking care of ourselves. It can be a good therapy to increase self-esteem.

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