The Incredible Benefits Of Fasting Garlic With Honey

Eating garlic with honey on an empty stomach is an investment in your health. There is no single drug that works on so many phenomena at the same time, and even less without causing side effects.
The incredible benefits of fasting garlic with honey

Garlic is a wonderful natural remedy we’ve talked about a few times. If we add honey to it, its properties multiply. Both are powerful antibiotics and protect our immune system.

The reason we recommend consuming them on an empty stomach is very simple. The stomach is now clean and ready to start functioning.

Therefore, the ideal is to start the day with some mixture that predisposes the body to metabolize food in the best possible way.

This means two things: to do it in a way that you don’t gain weight, but also to make the most of the nutrients and eliminate the toxins.

Next we’ll talk about the benefits of garlic with honey fasted separately, and also the benefits of its combination. Don’t miss it!

Why garlic?

It is common for us to use it as a seasoning in our meals, with the sole purpose of giving them flavor. However, we are underestimating its virtues.

Improves the quality of your blood

When it reaches the stomach, garlic favors the creation of gastric juices. They are essential for the correct absorption of iron.

Plus, it’s rich in minerals and vitamins, so consuming it enriches your blood.

As if it were little, it reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, in a way that prevents it from becoming thick and allows it to flow normally. Thus, we were able to prevent cardiovascular problems.

nourishes your skin

Woman who consume garlic with honey on an empty stomach

Garlic is a potent antioxidant that also regenerates cells. Therefore, we achieve smooth, smooth and acne-free skin.

All this without the need to resort to commercial creams. Most of them include inflammatory substances that pretend to get rid of wrinkles but damage our skin in the long run.

protect our defenses

Thanks to garlic, our immune system is strengthened and, with this, we arm ourselves against the attack of bacteria and microbes.

Furthermore, it is essential that immunity is strong to prevent diseases as critical as cancer. This is where everything we do to protect ourselves or leave ourselves at the mercy of any attack comes together.

Why fasting honey?

helps to lose weight

Fasting garlic with honey controls weight

Sounds like a lie, but that’s right. Despite being sweet, honey is very satisfying. Therefore, if we eat garlic with honey on an empty stomach, we will be nourished while we will feel less craving for food.

As a result, stress is reduced because cortisol, a hormone that arises when we’re stressed and helps us to accumulate fat, doesn’t show up.

Acts as an anti-inflammatory

Fasting garlic with honey to treat headaches

If you experience chronic headaches or migraines, incorporate honey into your diet. With such a wonderful taste, you will be able to relax your organism. You’ll notice how you’ll need less ibuprofen and other pain relievers each time.

In this sense, your quality of life will improve continuously, as you will be able to devote more time to leisure, free from pain.

Power supply

The days are too long. The tasks multiply and it is difficult to reach the end without being exhausted. This is why many people drink energy or sugary drinks.

However, over time, their consequences are a detriment rather than a benefit. For its part, honey offers an extra dose of energy, without side effects.

How to take this garlic remedy with honey on an empty stomach


  • 12 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of honey (335 g)
  • 1 glass bottle with lid


  • Chop the garlic cloves into very small pieces. You can even crush them.
  • Place the honey into the chosen container.
  • Mix garlic with honey.
  • Close the jar and store it in a dark place for a week.

After the indicated time, you can start taking a spoonful of garlic with honey on an empty stomach to take care of your body like never before.

Keep in mind that the benefits are not immediate and you need to be constant, after all, there is no “miracle remedy”. Are you excited to try it?

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