Things You Shouldn’t Allow In Your Relationship

It’s okay to give everything as long as the other person also responds. Never let go of family and friends for the sake of your partner. Ask yourself if this person next to you offers harmony and tranquility, and if that’s the person you want to grow old with.
Things you shouldn't allow in your relationship

There is nothing more intense and satisfying than being in love, having a partner who loves us and who we love equally. But we must go carefully and not make the mistake of giving absolutely everything for that person. Therefore, in this article we will talk about what must be preserved above all in a relationship. Check out.

How to maintain a healthy relationship, and in a safer way?

1. Don’t give “everything” without ever receiving “nothing” in return

This is a mistake we often fall for. To love someone is to open up all emotions without finding limits for it, giving everything out of passion and sincere altruism.

This is good, of course, but always when the other responds and demonstrates that all our effort is worth it, that every gesture is reinforced by a sincere love in which selfishness does not exist.

If we give everything and receive nothing but demands and blame, there will come a time when we will feel frustrated and empty.

This feeling is very destructive and we must pay attention. Love, offer, donate, but remember that you also deserve to receive the same.

2. That doesn’t destroy your self-esteem or your values

Self-esteem in the relationship

In a relationship it is usual to have different tastes, hobbies and even values. But as long as there is respect and recognition, everything will work fine.

For example, your partner can be allowed to place a high value on spontaneity, fun, going out for a night out. However, it should also require that this time be shared with you.

Even more, that I respect you when you need more peaceful and intimate days at home. There must be a balance.

But if there is criticism for not being so “hot” or party-loving, you will feel bad and begin to doubt yourself. Am I a really boring person? Am I a person to be happy with?

This kind of question can do a lot of damage to self-esteem. Our partner must respect and value us, this is essential, because if there is no respect, happiness is impossible.

3. That it does not invade or destroy your personal space

Everyone has their hobbies, their friends, their passions; things that you cannot simply renounce. Never let go of your family and friends for the sake of your partner.

Do not give up everything you like for your partner, otherwise you will have nothing left and little by little you will lose your identity.

Personal space is that intimate space in which our personality, our social life and our passions are located. Don’t let it die.

4. That doesn’t destroy your dreams and fantasies

self-confidence helps in the relationship

Sometimes, we have a relationship with a “toxic” person, who clips our wings and constantly tells us that we are not capable of this or that.

That we are not smart to do a certain thing, that the work we want so badly is not within our reach.

Personalities that daily pruning us and destroying our aspirations, turning our personality into a caricature, draining our energies. We cannot, under any circumstances, allow this to happen.

5. Don’t let it make you unhappy

This is the most important point. Get up every day and ask yourself if you are happy. Ask if the person you have by your side is the one you want to grow old with, who will accompany you during your old age and who will live with you in harmony and tranquility.

If it offers you security, a mature relationship and dreams, don’t doubt that the relationship is worth it and you need to fight for it.

But if, otherwise, it makes you feel empty and you realize that this partner doesn’t take away smiles, only tears, and that you live your days with sadness, react. You deserve to be happy, this is a vital right for all people.

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