This Is What You Should Eat If You Suffer From Acidity

Since each one will adapt better or worse to certain foods, what we must do is try to see which ones we tolerate in order to avoid stomach acidity.

The burning sensation in the pit of the stomach that occurs after eating or after heavy dinners is one of the main reasons for medical consultation in the 21st century.

It can be said that it is a “modern” disease, not because nobody suffered from it before, but because now more and more people are experiencing it.

In this article we will tell you what are the best options to eat if you suffer from stomach acidity.

Don’t miss it!

What is stomach acidity and what causes it?

The medical term is heartburn and is a burning sensation or pain in the esophagus (more precisely, under the sternum) caused by the  regurgitation of gastric acid.

The burning sensation originates in the chest and in some cases spreads to the neck, jaw and throat.

The main causes of stomach acidity are:

  • Stress, worries or fast pace of life.
  • Diets high in saturated fats.
  • Eat lots of processed or refined carbohydrates.
  • Ingest food quickly and without chewing properly.
  • Skipping meals (alters the proper functioning of the digestive system).
  • Drinking alcohol in excess.
  • Smoke.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Lack of rest.
  • Helicobacter pylori bacteria .

Therefore,  many of the reasons for acidity are due to our lifestyle.

If we change some daily habits, we can reverse the situation and even avoid more serious illnesses, such as ulcers or gastritis.

Foods That Relieve Burning Stomach

Stomach acidity can be very uncomfortable and does not allow us to carry out our activities normally.

Although we don’t always feel like eating when we feel this burning sensation in the esophagus, there are some foods that can relieve symptoms:


This cereal, consumed mainly for breakfast, gives us satiety and at the same time relieves the burning sensation.

The good news is that, in addition, it  can be consumed at any time of the day if you have an appetite.  We recommend that you accompany it with raisins.

Don’t worry about possible reactions, as the oats will absorb the acid from the nuts.


It should always be used in moderation, as its flavor is very strong. It is one of the most useful foods if we suffer from acidity, because it  acts as an anti-inflammatory for gastrointestinal problems.

Simply grate a small piece and consume it in the form of tea, or add to meals and vitamins. It will give a citrus flavor to the food.

aloe vera

One of the best natural remedies for all kinds of ailments that require healing . If it has acidity, the walls of the esophagus are bruised and that’s where the aloe comes into play.

Some choose to directly consume the gel inside the stalks (alone or mixed with a juice or vitamin) and others choose to ingest aloe-derived products, which are sold in supermarkets.

vegetable salads

Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce and arugula have the  ability to alleviate the pain and pain caused by acidity.

Furthermore, we advise you not to add onions or tomatoes to the salad, let alone cheese and sauces.

It is best to season it with a little salt and olive oil.

The celery is one of the ingredients that must not be missing in your salads, since it has a lot of water, it is an excellent source of fiber and an appetite suppressant.


A good idea to eat mid-morning or afternoon. Banana has a pH of 5.6 and this makes it  an option to alleviate reflux. However, some people suffer an aggravation of the situation when eating this fruit.

It’s just a matter of eating one and analyzing whether the symptoms increase or decrease.


Along with melon, it makes up the framework of fruits that can be eaten when you suffer from reflux as, being rich in water, it “balances” the levels of acid in the stomach.

It is possible to consume a slice after lunch or dinner and, as with a banana, consider whether your body tolerates it well.


Fennel helps relieve stomach acid

This rich and nutritious medicinal plant improves stomach function. In addition, its mild flavor and crunchy texture can be enjoyed in salads, soups, pies and sauces.

Cut it into thin slices and mix with arugula and spinach. Then season with olive oil and the food will be ready!

chicken or turkey

White meat is the best option when it has acidity,  as long as you eat it in the oven, grilled, boiled or sautéed. It is not good to consume them fried or with skin (very high in fat).

fish and seafood

The rule for consuming seafood is the same as that used for chicken: no frying. Therefore, among the best options we recommend shrimp and salmon; that they are wild, not from breeding.

cooked vegetables

Vegetables help relieve stomach acid

In addition to the raw vegetables in salads, you can also eat some cooked ones such as, for example, kale, asparagus and broccoli.

On the other hand, we recommend that you eat “root” vegetables (carrots, beets, for example), whenever and wherever they are cooked.


Couscous, wheat or semolina can also be included in this rice group. In the case of rice itself, better if it is whole. All of them are excellent for anyone who suffers from stomach acidity.

Finally, remember to eat just a little and accompany it with cooked vegetables.

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