Tips Against Constipation

We all know what constipation consists of, the sensations it involves and its consequences in daily life. Check out tips to fight this evil.
Tips against constipation

We all know what the symptoms of constipation are. But do we really know what it consists of, what are its causes, how to avoid and remedy it in a natural way?

Technically, a person with a healthy bowel should have a bowel movement – ​​at a minimum – once a day, or after each large meal.

If this is not the case, the limit would probably be one evacuation every 48 hours, otherwise we could say that this person’s body is constipated.

And if so, what to do about it?

Causes of constipation

The causes for this problem are varied and can range from dehydration to gastrointestinal problems.

The most important and essential thing before any treatment is to consult a trusted doctor.

We must also consider that each organism is distinct and that, therefore, remedies effective for some people will not necessarily have the same effect on us.

However, if we are not suffering from severe constipation, but rather difficulty in evacuating, it is important to consider a few points that we will cover now.

Bad digestion = bad evacuation

Heavy or excess food, seasoned or fried, will generate a mass in our stomach that will be difficult to process, logically causing a late bowel movement and therefore uncomfortable and painful.

Likewise, simple acts such as not chewing food well, eating standing up or eating too quickly, will prevent our body from having the necessary energy to properly digest food.

The body is not a flour processing machine

This means that, if we do not accompany our food with the necessary liquids, at appropriate times, it will not be able to efficiently produce evacuable waste.

The ideal regarding hydration is to consume two to three liters of water daily.

And pay attention, it is important that it is water and not another type of drink that, instead of helping the body, will cause more work, such as soft drinks, artificial juices and the famous iced tea, which only make the situation worse due to its amount of sugar .

Water helps prevent constipation
It is important that we consume water and not other drinks, usually sugary ones, which can make the problem worse.

Cereal consumption prevents constipation

That’s right, after all, the consumption of cereals helps to incorporate the fiber we need for bowel movements. Among the most important are flaxseed, wheat and oats.

It is still preferable to consume wholemeal flours and brown sugar rather than processed or white sugar.

Cereal consumption prevents constipation
eating cereal helps to incorporate the fiber we need for bowel movements.

beware of laxatives

Laxatives only work when they are needed, not on a daily basis, as they can become addictive and get the body used to their effect, making it ultimately unproductive.

walk and move

Without a doubt, keeping more moving and less static and taking daily walks will help our body process food, so it is not recommended that we sit for most of the day.

To favor digestion, when finishing a meal, it is essential to move.

Moving around helps the body process food and avoid constipation
Keeping ourselves more moving and less static will help our bodies process food.

As mentioned earlier, if constipation is severe, it should be treated by a doctor. And if a natural treatment is possible, pay attention to these tips.

Some interesting tips to avoid constipation

Fruits always help: whether in the form of juice, jam or porridge. If you want a quick effect, try apple with pineapple, apple with tangerine, or aloe juice, orange and honey, aloe and papaya, etc…

Some interesting tips to avoid constipation
If you want a quick effect, try some fruit combinations in your juices, the results will be satisfactory.

Cereals can be combined with a multitude of foods. For example, a teaspoon of flax seeds in a cup of boiling water.

Let the mixture stand overnight.

For added flavor, add some prunes and take daily for two months.

Cereals fight constipation
Cereals can be combined with a multitude of foods

If you prefer something less like a medicine and more like a dessert, you can prepare a simple baked fruit recipe.

To do this, place the fruit of your choice  cut into cubes on a piece of aluminum foil, sprinkle with cinnamon, add a sprig of lavender and a little star anise.

Star anise against constipation

Sweeten with a little honey and a tablespoon of white wine; close the aluminum foil and place the mixture in the oven for 15 minutes. Afterwards, remove it, let it cool and enjoy this delicious natural dessert.

Even if you are already used to the episodes of constipation, the important thing is that you do not resign and look for a solution, as this is a problem that can lead to worse illnesses.

So try to map out a discipline to put some of these tips into practice. The results, without a doubt, will be positive and unexpected.

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