Tips For Eating Less Carbs

The problem with carbohydrates is the tendency to overindulge in unhealthy refined foods. If we consumed fruits and vegetables instead, we would reap great benefits.
Tips for Eating Less Carbs

In this article we’ll give you some tips for eating less carbs.

Carbohydrates are present in many of our daily meals, and maybe that’s one of the reasons we don’t lose weight.

Although they provide nutrients and guarantee us energy for daily activities,  we must not abuse them. Check out.

Are carbohydrates bad for your health?

carbohydrate sources

This issue is very common, especially in people who want to lose weight.

In recent times , lowcarb diets have become popular which, as the name suggests, are based on eating less carbohydrates.

The premise of this type of diet is: “carbohydrates are responsible for weight gain.”

However,  we cannot completely eradicate them from our diet as they play very important roles in our body. For example, they are the main source of glucose in the blood.

This means that they are responsible for bringing “fuel” to the cells, and they are the energy source used by the brain to carry out all its functions.

Likewise, we know that in nature there are two types of carbohydrates.

On the one hand, simple (or sugars) and on the other, compounds (including starches and fibers).

Man has modified the food preparation process and generated a new type of carbohydrate: simple refined ones.

Which are they? They are those that are present in most products manufactured and found on the market: biscuits, pasta, cakes, breakfast cereals, etc…

The problem with these types of carbohydrates is that they are absorbed quickly because they don’t contain fiber, increasing blood glucose levels. In addition, they accumulate body fat (especially in the abdomen).

So, the downside of carbohydrates is that we consume those that are industrialized (refined ones) and ignore natural ones (found in fruits, vegetables, cereals, and pulses).

If we made a change, we could lose weight and prevent many diseases.

Tips for Eating Less Carbs

Based on the concept of what the “bad” carbohydrates are, it would be good if we stopped consuming them so often.

That’s why we offer some tips that can help you eat less carbs:

1. Set aside sugary drinks

sugar drinks

They are not healthy, as they have corn syrup in their composition in large amounts, as well as a lot of sugar.

This causes, in addition to obesity, insulin resistance. Even dietary options contain harmful ingredients.

Instead, opt for water, natural juices, or herbal teas.

2. Add more fruits and vegetables

We often eat cookies, breads and snacks because we feel anxiety, not hunger.

This can be solved, for example, by stopping to buy certain “tempting” products, or having in front of our eyes an appetizing fruit basket.

  • Before choosing an industrialized carbohydrate, opt for a vegetable. For example, a raw celery or carrot stalk (which reduces stress when chewing).

3. Reduce your bread intake

This is an important point to eat less carbohydrate.

We are used to consuming bread as a perfect accompaniment to pasta, meat and sauces.

However, a loaf of bread has too many simple refined carbohydrates, and this is one of the main causes of weight gain.

  • It is important to choose whole grain breads  (eg rye), which provide carbohydrates but also have a good amount of fiber.

Thus, among other benefits, they improve intestinal transit.

4. Shop on a full stomach

grocery shopping

A good idea to take care of both your body and your pocket is to go to the market after eating.

  • When we’re hungry the brain can’t make good decisions  and it’s also tempted by whatever it sees.
  • We also do not recommend that you go to a restaurant on an empty stomach (you can, for example, eat some fruit before leaving the house).
  • Remember that your appetite will make you choose processed, fatty, sugary and unhealthy foods. So  eat first and buy later.

5. Choose low-carb snacks

In the middle of the morning, afternoon, or before dinner, we should have snacks that prevent us from arriving with a lot of appetite for main meals and devour the dish in seconds.

We must pay attention, because these snacks cannot consist of just any food.

Instead of French fries, biscuits, sweets or cold cuts, we recommend that you have some dried fruits on hand such as almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts or walnuts.

While it’s true that they contain a lot of calories, the key is to consume them in small amounts. The good news is that they satiate your appetite and reduce anxiety.

6. Don’t be fooled by “light” labels

They are very fashionable. A lot of products on the market are in green packets and containers to prove they contain “low calories”.

The problem is, these items aren’t always healthy. They contain less carbohydrates but also less protein, less sodium and more minerals.

7. Consume more protein for breakfast

Every morning we need fuel to start the day.

  • To have all this energy we recommend, for example,  adding a boiled or scrambled egg to satiate your appetite.
  • So, in addition, you will be including more protein for your body.

If you use these tips to eat less carbohydrates you will notice the difference in your daily life!

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