Tips For Stronger Nails

If your nails break easily and you think they will never grow normally, be sure to read this article! Well, yes, you can show off charming hands, worthy of a nail polish advertisement. Learn how to get stronger nails below.

To have beautiful nails and hands you need to take care of them daily. It’s likely that most people who have this desire don’t pay attention until they look at the state of their fingers and think, what am I going to do now?

If you are one of those people, don’t despair. It’s not just about quickly solving a specific problem, it’s about monitoring the condition of your nails every day. Care, protection and moisture are vital for stronger nails.

Why are my nails fragile?

Here are some reasons why your nails may be breaking more easily:

  • Use of very strong cleaning products without the prior use of gloves (for example, washing dishes);
  • Bathe with very hot water (or just wash your hands in the same condition);
  • Use your nails to open or scrape things;
  • Fungi (onychomycosis);
  • Constantly biting or keeping your nails in your mouth;
  • Sanding too hard;
  • Always keep your nails painted;
  • Nutritional deficiencies;
  • Smoking;
  • Lack of adequate moisture.

When the nails are unhealthy, cannot grow evenly, are irregular, do not have a normal color, they peel off, become opaque or yellow and, above all, they break because of anything (they even break for no apparent reason).

It is important to pay attention to the reasons why your nails are sick or unhealthy. That way it will be simpler to do an intensive and effective treatment to have strong nails.

Tips for having strong nails

wash dishes with gloves

Any household chores should be done with gloves, as disinfectants, soaps, cleaners and other cleaning items affect nails very negatively, as chemicals soften them and make them more prone to breakage.

If possible, wash dishes only once a day and don’t stay too long with your hands in water.

consume more protein

As with hair, nails are also made of protein, so if we don’t eat properly they have problems, such as breaking easily.

Review your daily diet if your nails are weak, flaking or very fragile. In this case, consume white meat and soy.

Increase your consumption of fatty acids

That way your nails and skin will be stronger and healthier. But beware! Fats have to be “good”, that is, they have to be those that make up dry fruits, such as nuts, vegetables in general, milk and butter. Be sure to consume flaxseed oil or flax seeds.

always fix your nails

Don’t let a nail remain damaged, chipped or a poorly edged nail for a long time. Sand it as quickly as possible to prevent it from further breaking, getting caught in something that might cause pain, or make you want to gnaw on it.

Some women use liquid glue to repair the nail when it breaks, let it dry and then sand it well so that it doesn’t get uneven. Then apply a layer of clear enamel. This technique is for an emergency, not all nails.

Clipped nails, less problems

We already know that long nails look better, however, unfortunately, it is not always possible to keep them all the same size. So, it’s best to have them close to your fingers or sticking out just a little bit. That way, it will be more difficult for them to break, besides being in fashion like that.

don’t always leave them painted

One of the most used techniques to keep your nails beautiful is to keep them always painted. However, this is not good for your health. When the nails are painted they cannot “breathe” well and this can be bad if they are very fragile or brittle.

It wouldn’t be surprising if that was the reason they broke up. Then, once a week, take off the nail polish and let your nails have a rest.

If you don’t like the way they look or are afraid they’ll break, leave them unpainted overnight and the next morning while you eat breakfast, paint again. Another option is to take advantage of a weekend that has no plans to go out to leave them “in the natural”.

Also be very careful with the type of product used to remove the nail polish, as acetone (the main product used) is very strong and can damage your nails. Better to opt for a more natural product made with oils.

Beware of magic solutions

As we said before, you’ve probably thought about using artificial nails or nail tighteners. This might be fine for a special occasion, like an important party or a special event, but don’t keep using it afterwards.

Why? Because, for starters, these nails are applied right after the original has been well sanded and products are also used to glue the artificial ones on top.

Besides, in the middle of both, fungi can appear or the breathing of natural nails can be impeded, as happens in the case of nail polishes.

Nails are not tools

This is worth repeating, as it is one of the most common causes of broken nails.

Do not use your nails to open a brooch, peel off a tag, open a can, remove dirt stuck anywhere, etc.

For this there are specific objects, such as scissors, spatulas, knives, etc.

Look for a manicure once a week. No need to go to the beauty salon and spend a lot of money. You can get your nails done over the weekend. You can enjoy those usually boring Sunday afternoons.

Take advantage of these days to give your hands intensive care.

Remove the nail polish, exfoliate with a mixture of salt and olive oil and file to match all the nails. Add cream to moisten, massage from cuticles to ends, allow to dry well, then paint as usual.

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