What Are Natural Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are often abused, which has led to the evolution of superbugs that have developed resistance to their effects.
What are natural antibiotics?

Have you ever used natural antibiotics? It is true that, thanks to advances in science and technology, human beings today have powerful means to fight various diseases.

However, antibacterial drugs are often misused. On many occasions, they are abused, which has led to the evolution of superbugs that have developed resistance to their effects.

Fortunately, nature is rich in natural antibiotics that can be easily used with greater safety margins. However, remember that if it is a serious condition you should go to the doctor, as natural remedies are not miraculous and will never give magic solutions to cure diseases.

Co-trimoxazole antibiotic

The best natural antibiotics

1. Oregano essential oil

Oregano essential oil is one of the main natural antibiotics. It contains antimicrobial properties that can help fight colds and coughs, improve digestive problems, and support the immune and respiratory systems.

In fact, a US National Institutes of Health study shows that oregano essential oil, along with some other essential oils like thyme, peppermint, cinnamon, sage and cloves, have strong antimicrobial properties.

When used aromatically, oregano essential oil can help lower airborne pathogens, increase immunity and provide a sense of security. Oregano blends well with the essential oils of basil, fennel, lemongrass, rosemary and thyme.

Be careful when applying oregano essential oil topically. Oregano is very caustic and can cause skin irritation if not diluted. To avoid skin irritation when used topically, dilute one drop of essential oil into 3 drops of carrier oil.

2. Colloidal silver

The use of colloidal silver in the battle against pathogenic bacteria dates back to ancient times. Hippocrates was one of the first to describe its antimicrobial properties in 400 BC.

In recent years, several studies have shown that colloidal silver is, in fact, one of the most effective agents in combating antibiotic resistant pathogens. However, traditional medicine has largely rejected these types of claims, transferring colloidal silver to the medical myths section.

According to the latest research from the Wyss Institute for Biology-Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, low doses of colloidal silver can make antibiotics up to a thousand times more effective. They can also allow an antibiotic to be made to successfully fight antibiotic resistant bacteria.

3. Hydrate

Goldenseal contains a compound called berberine, which kills many types of bacteria in the intestines, including those that cause diarrhea. Berberine also kills a wide variety of other types of germs, such as those that cause candida, infections, and parasites such as tapeworm and Giardia.

Berberine can also activate white blood cells, making goldenseal one of the best natural antibiotics for fighting infections and strengthening the immune system.

Goldenseal favors digestion, soothes stomach pains and kills bacteria. It is often combined with echinacea to promote a strengthening of the immune system.

Antibiotic action

Other natural antibiotics


Mullein is one of the best herbs to use on children. Basically, it helps to kill bacteria and cure illnesses that affect the upper respiratory tract. It also acts on the paranasal sinuses.

Numerous studies report its ability to reduce upper respiratory infection symptoms such as fatigue, sore throat, cough, and headache.


Myrrh has been used by natural healers for hundreds of years. It is valued for its antiseptic, antibiotic and antiviral properties.

It can be taken internally and used externally for gargling or washing wounds. It is most often recommended for oral bacterial infections, including mouth sores, as well as bronchitis and sore throats.


In ancient times and during the Middle Ages, salvia was highly prized. Its list of benefits is long: it has the ability to help fight diseases of the mouth, teeth, blood and joints.

natural antibiotics


Thyme is valued for its antibacterial properties. It is often used in preparations to support and protect the respiratory system.

This essential oil is an effective natural disinfectant and preservative, used in many skin preparations not only for its therapeutic effect, but to protect the product itself from microbial contamination and spoilage. Thyme is also excellent for treating acne.

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