Why Do White Spots Appear On The Skin?

White spots often appear as a result of an unbalanced diet and a food deficit. They could be announcing a lack of vitamins or calcium.
Why do white spots appear on the skin?

White patches on the skin. Do you suffer from it? Have you ever had? It is common, for example, to see them on our skin on summer days, when the tan usually leaves unpleasant white marks.

Why do they appear? Sometimes they appear on the back or face in very young people. What causes its appearance? What treatment should we follow?

Today, we are going to talk about this very common reality, always remembering that, in the face of any doubt or problem, it is worth consulting your dermatologist to obtain a more accurate diagnosis.

Some causes of white patches on the skin


Ringworm is very common. But rest assured, it is not serious and usually disappears completely.

Ringworm usually manifests itself through white patches on the skin, especially in the following areas:

  • chest and back
  • legs and arms
  • Areas that are normally exposed during the summer

They appear mainly in the hottest times or when we are going into autumn.

They appear more often in people who suffer from the effects of excessive sweating, hormonal changes and because of dampness.

As we talked about earlier, it’s nothing dangerous, it’s not contagious and it doesn’t cause pain.

It’s just the appearance of these spots on the skin that bothers us, mainly because they’re resistant and don’t come off so easily.

How to treat ringworm?

Ringworm is a type of fungus and as such requires treatment. Fortunately, the treatment is usually quite effective. So don’t worry.

It usually includes the following:

  • Antifungal drugs, such as terbinafine and miconazole, very suitable for treating the infection.
  • Another suitable resource are so-called selenium sulfide shampoos. They are great and just apply them to the affected region overnight for them to take effect. Afterwards, we take a shower in the morning to rinse it off. Very easy.
  • If you want to give it a try, a home remedy that can alleviate the effects a little is aloe vera. Just apply the plant gel, make a gentle massage and leave it for two hours, then take a shower and remove.
  • You should keep in mind that if the blemishes do not disappear after following this treatment for at least two weeks, the best thing to do is to consult a dermatologist.


white spots on the skin

Vitiligo is a more serious reality. Its essential origin is the loss of a pigment: melanin.

This is an immune system problem, in which our bodies attack and destroy a type of cell: melanocytes.

Let’s look at its most relevant features:

  • White patches on the skin appear anywhere on our body. They can be big or small and have any shape.
  • They do not usually cause discomfort, pain, itching or irritation. They appear without symptoms, but are usually eye-catching.
  • In general, they often occur in people who live in very humid places.
  • In some situations, these white spots can turn brown and have small scales on them. That’s when they start causing us the most problems.

What is the treatment for vitiligo?

  • Unfortunately, there is currently no effective treatment for vitiligo. This autoimmune disease usually has a genetic behavior, and there is no effective and safe way to prevent the destruction of melanocytes.
  • In some situations, one attempt is to promote repigmentation through the use of steroids or immunomodulators. But that doesn’t always work. Doctors also recommend using sunscreen at all times to protect hypopigmented areas from solar radiation.
  • In relation to natural remedies, many people use, for example , aloe vera, ointments made from saffron and mustard oil to lessen the incidence of blemishes.
  • Of course, the white patches on the skin will not go away. But keeping the persistence, we can notice them a little less apparent, besides we are taking care of the skin.
white spots on the skin

nutritional deficiency

It’s important to keep this in mind. At times, we follow incorrect diets that lead to significant reductions in vitamin and mineral levels.

We have to give special care to children and always take care that they do not show this type of stain.

If they do arise, it is worth seeing a doctor for an analysis. It could be evidence of a nutritional deficit.

  • There are situations where white patches on the skin can occur due to a deficiency of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Never miss calcium-rich foods.
  • Remember that it’s not just dairy products that have large amounts of this mineral. Vegetables are also a source of this essential nutrient for skin and bone health.
  • Sometimes white spots from malnutrition are harmless. But it can also indicate that we are on an unbalanced diet. Always consult your doctor for directions on what to do.
  • Keep in mind that there are many supplements to improve your skin’s health. We recommend improving your diet, always keeping it complete and balanced, to avoid these small problems.

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