Why Does Your Back Hurt?

Did you know that, on occasion, back pain may be reflecting problems in other internal organs or even related to our emotions? If your case is the second, try to solve your problems.
Why does the back hurt?

Unfortunately, it is very common for someone to have back pain. Sometimes in the lumbar area, other times in the dorsal area, especially between the scapula and the spine, or even in the cervicals and trapezius. These are pains that get worse or better according to our routine and that, generally, are difficult to be cured.

In this article, we’ll give you some answers to help you find the cause of back pain, as well as some advice on how to treat it naturally and improve your quality of life.

The first thing to do when you have back pain, whenever you feel pain for several days or weeks, is to see a specialist doctor to rule out any type of injury; especially if we have suffered an injury. This is the first cause to be considered.

If there is no apparent injury or we have a chronic problem that has been going on for a long time, then we may be suspicious of other issues like the ones listed below in order to find the cause that explains our back pain.

One of the causes related to back problems, although many people do not believe in it, is the fact that we are subjected for a long time to some type of negative energy, as this causes continuous tension in some area of ​​the back that finally becomes chronic.

In this case, the more stress or emotional strain we suffer, the more back pain we will experience. Not showing pain doesn’t mean we don’t feel it.

These are the emotions that relate to the different parts of the back:

  • rhomboid: anger
  • Trapeze: inability and frustration
  • Cervical: excessive responsibility
  • Dorsals: fear
  • Lumbars: frustrations

If we want to treat back problems and related emotions, we will have to change something about ourselves. We can always look for a therapist or take some natural supplement that helps.

Another explanation is that back problems are a reflection of an inflammation of the organ located near that muscle that, because it is inflamed, would be causing excessive pressure on the area.

This is the correspondence of zones and organs:

  • Right trapezius and right dorsal: liver and gallbladder.
  • Left trapezius and left dorsal: lung and stomach
  • Cervical: heart
  • Lumbar : kidneys (high area), intestine (middle area) and reproductive system (sacral area)

If other symptoms confirm that one of these organs may actually be debilitated (which is not a sign of disease), then the treatment should be done with the aim of deflating the organ.

Also read: What yoga exercise is good for lower back pain?

In addition to looking for the cause, we can also directly treat pain with these natural remedies:

  • Analgesic and anti-inflammatory infusions with turmeric, willow or harpagofito
  • Application of local heat with the help of a hot water bottle
  • Application of clay or ginger poultices
  • Application of arnica-based anti-inflammatory creams
  • Personalized supplementation with Bach flowers or homeopathy

Finally, a fundamental part of the treatment must be the external and manual work of the area with the hands of a professional, continuously, until we get better or feel that the pain disappears.

We especially recommend decontracting massages to relax the area, but it would be better if we could  carry out the treatment with a good osteopath or physiotherapist, who would help us understand physical imbalances, as sometimes we can improve them remarkably by changing some unconscious habits.

We also recommend therapy with cupping or cupping, as it works by taking care of the inflammation of the organs, as indicated above.

Finally, in recent years Kinesio tape therapy has become very popular. This is a therapy that uses very bright colored elastic adhesive tapes. Many athletes are using this technique, which demonstrates its great effectiveness in pain and injuries of all kinds.

Also read: Back Contractures: Natural Remedies

cupping technique

Images courtesy of deluxe marketing, giorgio and winnie3

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