Yogurt, A Very Versatile Food

We will dive into the properties and advantages of this food and discover how it reacts in our body, regulating and strengthening it. Check out!
Yogurt, a very versatile food

A tray of yogurt in the back of the fridge, ready to be eaten at any time of day. Who does not see this image with mouth water?

So we open the fridge, hear the “clack” when we separate a yogurt from the others, take a spoon, slide the metal lid and it becomes the perfect food for, for example, breakfast, afternoon snack, dessert or as an option between one meal and another.

However, do we really know all the benefits that this food can offer our health?

Then, we will dive into the properties and advantages of this food and discover how it reacts in our body, regulating and strengthening it. Check out!

about yogurt

It is a product of the fermentation of milk. In its manufacture, milk sugar (lactose) is transformed into lactic acid through bacterial fermentation. Therefore, generally, people with lactose intolerance are able to consume yogurt without problems.

But, this food, always present in modern refrigerators, is actually a heritage of the ancestors.

In the book 101 Foods That Can Save Your Life, by David Grotto, yogurt is indicated as one of the oldest in human history.

The author reports that the first occurrence of the food was possibly accidental, but that later the benefits and properties of yogurt were recognized and disseminated, which generalized its consumption.

Furthermore, according to statistics, in Brazil, in 2001 per capita consumption/year was 3.5 kg. Since then, this number has almost doubled, currently accounting for 6 kg.

Thus, research indicates that the growing consumption of the product worldwide is related to the benefits it presents to health. Benefits that we will discuss next!

Nutritional value

It is rich in protein and essential nutrients. Among them we find minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and zinc. In addition, it also features vitamins A and B complex.

Thus, proteins are fundamental in the construction, renewal and repair of tissues, including skin, hair and nails. In addition to participating in hormones, enzymes and antibodies.

The calcium is essential in the maintenance and training, for example bones, nails and teeth, in addition to participating in the muscle contractions.

The zinc increases the action of enzymes in the fight against free radicals and helps in strengthening the immune system, slowing the aging and strengthening hair growth.

Vitamin A is recognized as extremely beneficial to eye and skin health. It restores and builds new tissue, as well as helping to treat boils, abscesses, hair loss and acne.

Finally, yogurt contains a special ingredient. Bacteria responsible for the fermentation process, called Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus ,  main agents in the proper functioning of the intestine.

The human intestine is made up of good and bad bacteria, yogurt has more beneficial bacteria than any other dairy product, and this is what stimulates the proper functioning of the intestine.

Discover more benefits of this wonderful food.

homemade yogurt - Diego Cosenza
Yogurt is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and zinc. In addition to vitamins A and the B complex.

Yogurt Benefits

In 2013, in the city of Boston (USA), international nutrition experts gathered at the First Conference on the Health Effects of Yogurt to present the current position of science on the health effects of the product on health. But what effects are these?

  • Provides Fresh Breath – A study in Japan showed that volunteers consuming 150 g of SUGAR FREE yogurt containing the bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus had reduced concentrations of a bacteria that causes bad breath.
  • Facilitates digestion – making it ideal for dealing with gastrointestinal problems.
  • It acts on the proper functioning of the intestine. Furthermore, it reinforces the natural resistance to infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and regulation of intestinal transit – through the action of the beneficial bacteria it contains.
  • Helps in strengthening teeth, in addition to being indicated in cases of osteoporosis.
  • Helps fight arthritis – research done on rats with arthritis, which were fed yogurt containing the miraculous bacteria, showed that these rats had only mild inflammation after a while.
  • It works to improve the absorption of nutrients in our body.
  • It reduces gases, fermentation processes, inflammation, intestinal infections and flatulence.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • It renews body tissues;
  • Slows down the aging process;
  • It helps in burning fat, making it an ideal food for those who want to lose that little belly.
  • It is a great ally in calcium replacement during menopause.

How much to consume?

It is recommended the consumption of 3 daily servings of milk and its derivatives (yoghurt and cheeses). In addition, yogurt is a versatile product, working perfectly as an ingredient in, for example, salad dressings, cakes, smoothies, or as an accompaniment to cereals, with fruits, and as our imagination allows us to use it.

yogurt with muesli and berries
Yogurt is a versatile product, working perfectly as an ingredient in salad dressings, cakes, smoothies, or as an accompaniment to cereals, with fruits, and as imagination allows us to use it.

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