Your Love Stories Are A True Example

Discover the best love stories from people as real as you, and the lessons they left behind.
Your love stories are a true example

There are love stories that are worth knowing and serve as an example to many people. Some had happy endings, others less so; but the important thing is the teaching they left behind.

It is sometimes believed that these types of relationships are only seen in movies; however,  there are thousands of testimonies in the world. They were, in their moment, a unique experience for two hearts. Today they are like anecdotes to tell families and surprise children.

Love stories that everyone would like to live sometime

1. Centenary seniors honor love

Both are 100 years old and have chosen to share a life for 76 years. Every birthday you can imagine has passed and more. It’s so long together that it  ‘s hard to remember anyone alone.

José works as a pastor, while his wife is dedicated to accompany him with her word and her presence. They count with complete naturalness the happiness of their relationship; as if they had never had any doubts about their choice. 

And they certainly didn’t have them.

In his spare time, the man throws himself into his hobby and  sings for the woman; who gets emotional like the first time. They know they are an example to many and perhaps for this reason, they dare to tell their secret. It’s easy for them, it’s about “not arguing” and living in the simplicity of things.

2. He had a birthday at the Civil Registry

They  met at a mutual friend’s party . They say it was love at first sight, although Rose had the burden of being a widow who didn’t want a new relationship.

For the gentleman it was no hindrance and he traveled the 40 km that separated them every day; just to see her. Little by little, he  managed to make her relax and enjoy this new opportunity without guilt .

At the age of 90, Forrest decided to ask her to marry him, who almost jokingly replied,  “On your 100th birthday we’ll get married.”  A decade later, an entire city witnessed the ceremony in which Forrest (100) and Rose (90) sealed their union.

Sensational love stories

3. Young hospital roommates

David and Ana were  two teenagers who spent many hours in a hospital. It was in this place where they met and started a friendship. He had a twin brother and they were three years older than the girl.

After a while, they were both able to start having a normal life, away from medical treatments. One afternoon,  Ana took courage and declared her love for the young man, who did not respond in kind. He rejected her without giving much explanation.

After a few weeks, the girl goes to the health center with her parents to carry out a routine check-up. To her surprise, she found David’s brother there, who told her the truth. He also loved the girl, but he  had learned that she was suffering from a terminal illness and did not want her to suffer.

4. The grandmother and the “aunt”, more than friends

The grandchildren since they had memory,  remembered their grandmother Tere living with an aunt. For them, a loving lady who already belonged to the family. However, when they were grown up they discovered it was one of those true love stories.

Teresa married as a young man the groom her family chose for her. As indicated by the family mandate, she had two boys. However, one day, as an adult, she had the courage to face everyone and say that she was going to separate.

In time, he met Maria (the aunt) and they quickly began to share their lives. Until they decided to move into the same house. Likewise, with the same courage, they faced the family and confessed their decision. She was willing to live her true love with this woman and freely.

What teachings do these love stories leave?

Each relationship is unique and exclusive, however, there are many that reach the soul and we all want to live them. The objective of getting to know these reports is to be able to  find the most positive aspects and try to transform them into values.

love stories with happy couples

Love for life exists, it’s just  about knowing how to choose the right person. Not wanting to change our partner and avoiding arguing over differences.

Sometimes it is necessary to give in, be supportive and think first about the happiness of the loved one. As David did at his young age, he  has to know how to take care of others.

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